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Postal address: 

Capital Chambers
PO Box 10048
Telephone: 04-499 7741
Mobile: 021 866 558


Tony is an experienced civil and commercial litigator. He holds an LLB(Hons, First Class) and a BA in Political Studies, and has over 25 years’ experience in the law, in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, including 10 years as a partner at one of Wellington’s longest serving boutique firms. He became a barrister sole in 2018 and is approved by the Law Society to receive direct instructions (when appropriate).

Tony has appeared as counsel in a variety of Courts and Tribunals, and on appeals to the District Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. Work areas include civil/commercial/regulatory litigation, commercial dispute resolution (including JSCs and mediation), advisory/compliance issues and lobbying advocacy regarding policy issues/law reform.

Areas of specialisation

Commercial disputes - contract, tort and equity claims, property/lease issues, public law and complex commercial disputes

Trade practice; transport/motor trade  – statutory/regulatory compliance, enforcement issues, consumer claims/disputes, supply chain and franchise/supplier disputes (including ‘b to B’ issues), restraints of trade/confidentiality (commercial information/IP), competition and industry/policy issues (strategic, analytical, drafting & advocacy)

Media – defamation, confidentiality, privacy, suppression issues, access to Court files and official information, harmful digital communications, NZ Media Council/Broadcasting Standards Authority complaints, and industry/policy issues
Energy - gas/electricity, regulatory/compliance issues (regulatory processes, appeals/reviews), and commercial disputes (trading issues, breaches of confidence, contract disputes), particularly downstream/retail

Incorporated societies – compliance, rules and disciplinary

Insurance – policy coverage/response, and claims/disputes

Sports law - rules & disciplinary; motorsport

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